Category: Fluff

  • Little Mosque fills a need!

    I heard about Little Mosque on the Prairie through NPR, initially. Then my friend Michael Gerard found the episodes online. A primetime offering from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, it is a show about a small community of Muslims living in rural Canada. While not exceptional, the show is cute, but for someone like myself who…

  • Chris’ last night in town..

    My friend, Chris Klotschkow, left town over a month ago. I’ve known him almost seven years now and I was sad to see him go. But I couldn’t fault his reasons or the opportunity he stumbled into. He’s one of the few people I have known that can debate on level with me, and our…

  • so much for that idea…

    It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Charles Schulz and Peanuts. I was born at the pinnacle of the commercialization of his creations. If it had Snoopy or Charlie Brown on it, then there’s a good chance that I owned it at one point or another in my life. The same can be said…

  • Has anyone heard of this guy?

    About four years ago I found a book in my local comic shop. It was nothing I had ever heard of. A sharp little black and white published by NBM called Boneyard by Richard Moore. The cover is what grabbed me. On the cover was a picture of a man being backed against the wall…

  • What would he do?

    After 7 years, my friend Chris Klotschkow moved away. He got an incredible offer to move to Raleigh, North Carolina, and I wish him well. One night, many years ago, Chris and I got into an argument. I proposed coining an acronym (can you coin them?), “WWBD” was my suggestion for an alternate to “WWJD“.…

  • Good Times!

    At the suggestion of an acquaintance, I attended the MURDERFIST show at Brother’s tonight for some sketch comedy-Decent show-The troupers put on a good show, inspite of some awkward bits, don’t get me wrong, I was smilin’ on the inside, but little made me laugh out loud-The last sketch where one person is placed outside…

  • For those of us who need it…

    Many’s the time in the past year that I could have used something like this…but ironically, that at a time when my life is, for the most part, under-control and peaceful, I find something like this in my email- definitely worth a laugh…I know plenty of people both in my family and not who rely…

  • Mmmm, Mmmm, Goooood!

    I just got done eating my first ever Monster Biscuit from Hardee’s– this biscuit has EGG, HAM, BACON, AND SAUSAGE! If you have a Hardee’s convenient to your house I suggest you stop in and pick one up! It’s like an arterial blockage in your mouth!

  • We are the exceptions, and not the Rule.

    According to a former professor of mine, there are two types of people, those that have kids, and those that don’t know shit. I, myself, fall into the former category. I am the father of an amazing and beautiful four-year-old little girl and she has brought more joy, success and happiness to me than any…

  • “I got a rock.”

    As some of you have noticed, blogging hasn’t been at the top of my priorities of late. Holidays, family, and the usual daily grind have been occupying a lot of my time. As if all that weren’t enough, I also turned thirty this past weekend. So my “free time” has been filled with a lot…