Category: Aestheticismo…

  • WHAT?!?

    They killed Captain America?!? What? Who? Why? um, read it for yourself, I think I need to collect myself…. IN the meantime someone find me Joe Quesada and “bring him to me cause I want to look him in the eye and tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred,…

  • Great weekend!

    In spite of the freezing temperatures Saturday, I was up and moving by 5 am, and was in my studio working by 7am. Friends of mine in Havana, FL have a house in the country with a great barn in the backyard, and are allowing me to use it as my working studio. I spent…

  • Has anyone heard of this guy?

    About four years ago I found a book in my local comic shop. It was nothing I had ever heard of. A sharp little black and white published by NBM called Boneyard by Richard Moore. The cover is what grabbed me. On the cover was a picture of a man being backed against the wall…

  • Charles M. Schulz 11.26.22-2.12.00

  • Manhwa Angst

    Have you ever had the experience of being in a relationship with someone, taking that person for granted, losing that person in your life and subsequently realising they were the best thing that ever happened to you? No? Yes? Don’t worry about it, it’s irrelevant. Manwha is Korean for comics, and can be likened to…

  • Aqua Teen “Terror” Force

    CNN reported on a series of “Bomb Scares” in Boston recently that turned out to be nothing more than an advertising campaign for the Cartoon Network’s Late Night “Adult Swim” program, “Aqua Teen Hunger Force”. Two men were arrested and millions of people from Bean-Town lived in fear of a possible terror attack that every…

  • Frank Miller said what?!?!?!

  • took some doing…

    After close to two months since moving into my new house, I finally have a decent workspace…finally.

  • Whatever happened to Hot Lunch?

    Michael Gerard and myself have been working together for several years. We collaborate on lots of projects, but the one that brought us together was Hot Lunch. A comic about a lay-about trust-fund heir, who finds himself on a karma-induced journey to redemption, we managed to produce a couple of strips and a full-color first…

  • I just realized…

    After re-reading my post on the Tarquin Engine, I came to a realization. My work on Hot Lunch along with fellow artist and collaborator, Michael Gerard, has carried me through many mediums as well as many techniques, both traditional and non- For starters, it was a hand drawn and inked series of 10″x10″ panels, we…